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Useless [Depeche Mode Cover]

by Bizarrekult

supported by
sOUL i0N
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sOUL i0N fortunately doesn't live up to it's name at all - i find this cover version very useful (already loaded it onto my phone so i can also listen to it on the go) and am happy it exists now. chapeau, bizarrekult!
00:00 / 07:17
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Bearing the solitude of Siberian winters and the gloom of Norwegian landscapes, Bizarrekult emerges as a sanctuary for the pensive and the misapprehended, the hermits of thought. Roman V, the solitary soul fueling Bizarrekult, crafts dirges that delve into identity and existence's abyss, embodying the shrouded psyche's cries.

"Useless" is a vessel of aching reflection—a darkly woven cover of Depeche Mode’s haunt, stewed in Roman's crucible for over a decade, and unveiled amidst life's uncontrollable tempest where he marshals chaos into harmony, aided by Alexander Pryakhin’s somber production.

Embrace "Useless,"—a shadowy embrace for the weary, a deep sonorous homage to the struggles sculpting our essence. Enter Bizarrekult: where melodies become meditations on mortality, gentle whispers in the grand silence, and an ode to the splendor nestled within despair's heart.


released July 8, 2024
Produced and Engineered by Alexander Pryakhin

Recording line-up:
Roman - Music, Vocals
Ignat - Guitar
Alexander - Drums

Guest Musicians:
Jørgen Nordby - Vocals
Magnus F. Sand - Bass


all rights reserved



Bizarrekult Trondheim, Norway

BIZARREKULT was formed by Roman in 2006 After some initial recordings and relocation to Norway, the project was set aside in order to deal with life challenges only to get a new spark a decade later.
The most recent years were spent on self-reflection and search for a meaning and purpose, reuniting with the things that were important – art and creativity, leading to revitalization of BIZARREKULT.
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