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Nightmare Frontier

by Abysmal Dawn

A Nightmare Slain 00:00 / 04:43
  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.

      $6 USD  or more


  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    CD in Digipak with 8-page booklet.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Nightmare Frontier via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.
    ships out within 5 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $7 USD or more 


  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Black 12" vinyl in gatefold, first pressing 500 copies worldwide.

    Side A: A Nightmare Slain/Blacken The Sky
    Side B: Behind Space/Bewitched

    Includes unlimited streaming of Nightmare Frontier via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.
    ships out within 5 days
    edition of 500  43 remaining
    Purchasable with gift card

      $24 USD or more 


  • Shirt

    Custom made to order direct to garment print on a black 100% cotton T-Shirt.
    Also available on hoodies, tank tops, and more at
    ships out within 5 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $31 USD or more 


The sun now sets upon a vast necropolis Those who remain are monsters all Born by the blood, undone by the blood, our eyes are yet to open Find the source to put an end to the nightmare that has begun This dream will last until you can ascend Past the veil instilled by Ancient Ones Grant us eyes as you once did for the Vacuous Rom Ring the bell and summon all that will joyously suffer hell A splendid night for hunting beasts The blood echoes through their veins Monsters once men, now granted peace The moonlight reflects arterial haze Unholy church built on misguided beliefs That which healed now brings disease An endless war rages viciously The ancient ones; not gods but the enlightened of man Enter the nightmare, confront what you seek A hunter hunts even in a dream Your frenzied mind distorted and growing weak Unraveled by the truths that go unseen (Solo - Charles) (Solo - Vito) Inward eyes line our minds No longer blind Alert us to the beings In our skies Submit your life; awaken to sunrise Or be reborn and become a god (Solo - Charles) Blasphemous butchers Blood-crazed fiends Atonement granted If only in their dreams…
Burning winds, celestial death Inhale the torment searing me and consuming my breath To ashes I am bound Breathe the winds of decay Oh fire, take me away from this place Oh horrid obsession Through death we meet again Exquisite and formless the wind carries me Drift now closer to heaven No longer am I Bound to this world of lies Gone is the pain Gone is this life My remains to blacken the sky Heavens denied Blacken the sky Oh horrid obsession Through death we meet again Choke on the embers of forgotten life Blacken the sky Heavens denied Blacken the sky Precious, godless, phoenix One who rises from the ashes of a disembodied soul I drift towards the abyss Eclipse the day is gone Ascend to mournful heavens To right what has been wronged Displaced, I die to be reborn I shed my flesh of scars once worn Ignite the gates of heaven Consume the throne of fraud In tears I longed for her Now I reach my hand beyond Grey sinister clouds of darkness Infest the world of God Now watch the angels falling From the scorched abysmal dawn As they watched the angels falling From the abysmal dawn My soul begins to cry Blacken the sky
Behind Space 03:37
Bewitched 06:42


During the height of the worldwide apocalyptic dystopia of 2020, Abysmal Dawn persevered and released one of the greatest albums of their career, ‘Phylogenesis.’

Now, the technical death metal icons are picking up where they left off and unleash a solid four-song EP! The sampler includes an original track, a newly re-recorded version of the 2006 demo “Blacken the Sky”, and two epic cover songs that showcase the band’s musical versatility and limitless talent.


released February 4, 2022

Produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by Charles Elliott
Guitar, vocals, bass, and additional keyboards recorded at Tastemaker Audio (Los Angeles, CA)
Drums recorded at Trench Studios (Corona, CA)
Drums engineered by John Haddad
Drums for “A Nightmare Slain” recorded by John Haddad
Orchestral arrangement on “Behind Space” by Craig Peters (Destroying The Devoid, Deeds Of Flesh)

Cover art by Pär Olofsson
Layout by AJ Loeb
Photo by Rodrigo Fredes


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Abysmal Dawn Los Angeles, California

Hailing from Los Angeles CA, ABYSMAL DAWN plays an aggressive mix of modern death metal. The band seamlessly blends the hooks and technicality of early 90's American death metal, with atmosphere, melody and the brutality of their contemporaries.

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