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L'Ascension 00:00 / 01:48
L'Ascension 01:48
A New Order 08:04
From the depths of this den The incandescent arrow To the heights of the gallows The destruction of the Ten Through the scarlet gardens To the vermilion palace Chaos marches with terror Eternal loss for a banner An infernal banquet Prophetic feast of desolation Around the fountain Where the dancing shadows take shape The flickering flame of the great fire Lit on the lake Worship the name of the sovereign Who makes the earth quake [ The tremendous speech of the fallen star To the wretched ones Set nights on fire, swallow the sun ] And forbid the dawn A celebration Religiously, disorderly Hell in Heaven Insanity, unholy The conquering star has reached The forbidden court he once called home Crushing the skulls, beneath his feet Landing a wave made of dark foam The renegade order shall rise And spread pestilence The soil, thirsty for lifeblood Would grow and feed a fiery wood All hail and pledge allegiance To the standard, soaked in red The chained foolish angel Betrayer of his own blood The desperate jester The crawling lurker
Falling father Overthrown by the renegade son The battle is won The left hand pushed him away The blinding light of the avenging sovereign The final glance at a defeated emperor Given over to eternity Given over to blasphemy The land of the loss has been reached An inevitable destination The land of the loss has been reached The realm of desolation The land of the loss One destination The land of the loss The desolation The unwritten chance trodden By the feet of the former lord A wandering shadow Ghost from Heaven A ruined face gazing at the magnificent skies Blaring fanfare Celestial feast for infernal angels That macabre dance of euphoric figures Blaring fanfare Celestial feast That macabre dance leads to the east Contemplating the vile fresco The doomed masterpiece An erected, malevolent throne Laughing thunder Great stifling vault Twisted shapes of twisted freaks Laughter Laughter from the damned The looming peace of a god On the left-hand path Closes the eyes of a former friend A fury from the past A fury that never lasts
The Crowning 09:25
The malevolent thrones appear Blazing monuments Witnessing the advent The heirs reigning rightfully All hail Lilith All hail Lucifer Long live the reign of the flame Spread the word and bend the knee before them Lilith Lucifer One crown shared above their heads Three swords for one hand One tongue for both of them Here dwells the dragon From the shadow of God To the light from the new lord The fallen angels From the depths of darkness To the hand of the skies Azazel From the great garden To the heights of the mountain Samael From infernal princes once To the head of the militia Beelzebub [ The gates of Heaven have been opened The traitor shall join the weak The three of them shall fall in Hell Justice for the fallen angels ] A holy sentence For holy violence Make them forbidden Alone and forsaken The king is nothing but a usurper The realm of flames should grow stronger Any eye would see Any tongue would say That the hand of a traitor Shall never be my lord Any eye Any tongue Shall never be my lord The most grotesque farce of all has come to an end Where the morning star shall fall again And the wanderer be avenged The serpent leads the way to the end
The four branches of the stellar cross Hold the hanging iron cages Holy lamentations Spread on earth by the putrid wind [ By the rotten wings of the extinguished stars Quis ut Deus The dragon had fallen ] Under the skeletal tree, autumn [ The pride of the snake The modesty of the soldier The salvation on the battlefield ] The almighty saviour Mi Cha El From darkness to the light From the light to the cell The long white coat of winter Floats above the west Dropping the hopeless seeds of birth On the burnt soil of desolation The eloquent voice he was once The final threnody whistled Gabriel Watching above him, Hell From darkness to the light From the light to the cell [ Through the river from the western bed ] Spring has bloomed in its jail Caught like a beast Rebirth for no one in the east Unable to breathe the air The forgotten breeze removed from Raphael Locked forever by Azazel From darkness to the light From the light to the cell These eyes watching from the south The fire illuminates the future An incandescent gladius sword And in pain, he spreads the word The fallen king shall return The prophecy from the punishing angel Then the light leaves the bird, Uriel From darkness to the light From the light to the cell [ The spread wings of the declining seasons Cast a shadow over the world The wise ones, forsaken fools Vestiges of an old era The heavenly birds, cherished by light Captive forever, crying out for order ] For order
La Tentation 02:28
Étoile de l’Est Archange prisonnier D’un royaume désolé Appelle le Père Las de son exil L'arrivée du vagabond Vers cette issue fatale L'insolente ascension Le sacre du mortel La quête du divin La main céleste Annonciatrice du retour manifeste [ De l'horrible blasphème À la naissance du Tome Entends la prière de l’Homme ] Au bord du gouffre Où la chair est idole Au bord du gouffre Où le saint fut symbole L'air devenu soufre Le spectacle sinistre D’un régent désolant D'une reine aux yeux tristes Vois le déclin de ces enfants La voie empruntée par un dieu Autrefois vengé par le feu Traverse l'arc flamboyant Vers le trône, le portail édifiant Gardé par l’ange renégat Infidèle et vil soldat Vers la chute, vers la fin Lucifer, Lilith, le déclin Pauvres âmes tourmentées Par la main, libérées Par l’Éternel, sacrées Chassées pour l'éternité De leurs formes spirituelles Pour l’enveloppe charnelle Fuis la colère colossale Face à l’abysse infernal Écoute les diables sombrer Regarde les hommes tomber



released February 28, 2020

Composed and arranged by Regarde les Hommes Tomber

Lyrics by Henoch

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Francis Caste at Studio Sainte-Marthe.

Design by Fortifem : www.fortifem.fr


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Regarde Les Hommes Tomber Nantes, France

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